Worship with us!
Weekend Services include a traditional service in the sanctuary at 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM, a contemporary service in the gym at 9:15 AM, and Livestream and replay options.
The Traditional Worship service in the Sanctuary uses a liturgical format with a variety of traditional and modern hymns. The Contemporary Worship service offers a contemporary liturgical form using a wide variety of popular Christian Music.
We Livestream Worship at 8:00 AM and 9:15 AM and these can be viewed on our Youtube Channel.
See Thanksgiving and Christmas 2024 Worship Times below.
There will be 3 mid-week Advent Services at 6:30pm in the church: December 4, 11, & 18
Will you find people dressed up? Yes.
Will you find people in jeans? Yes.
Will you find people who bring their coffee into worship? You bet.
More importantly, you will find:
People who love Jesus.
Pastors who preach from the Bible and view it as Truth.
People who want community but also want to impact their local community
Join us for worship on Sunday - 8 and 10:30 Traditional in the church and 9:15 Contemporary in our gym.
We invite you to come as you are and worship with us and we sincerely hope that you will join our family of faith. We welcome your time and talents in service to others through Divine Redeemer. We also wish to be of service to you with the many opportunities we offer in worship, service, prayer, Bible study, and fellowship.
We provide New Member classes for everyone, whether you are transferring in from another Missouri Synod Lutheran church or coming from another denomination or not an active church member at all. For more information about the New Member classes contact Nicole Steffen at 262-367-8400 ext 126 or by email.
Click here for the New Member Application
Note: Please fill out as much as possible in this application.
There are over 168 people in Bible study weekly at DR. Jump into the Word with us today through any of these ministry areas.
Holy Communion is celebrated on the 1st, 3rd & 5th weekends of the month during Traditional Services. Holy Communion is celebrated on the 2nd and 4th weekends of the month during Contemporary Services. See the pre-service slides or talk to a pastor regarding Communion.
Have I been baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit?
Do I believe I am a sinner and am I sorry for my sins?
Do I earnestly intend with the help of God to amend my sinful life?
Do I believe Christ's true body and blood to be present in the Lord's Supper for forgiveness?
Here is some more information about communion. If you cannot walk forward: Please let an usher know. Gluten Allergy: Please let an usher know and get a Gluten-Free card to bring up. N/A wine is available in the middle of the tray. If you are not communing with us today, you are still welcome to come up to receive a blessing. We would ask that you would cross your hands over your chest to signify you desire that blessing.